Thank you for this great great review. A couple reasons..I must mention. For one, you returning to us without comparing; is pretty much the biggest award, complement, achievement, i think we could ever hope to ask for. That to us , is success. Thank you for this incredible write up. I am going to share this with EVERYONE , that I can hold down to listen. hahaha
Another reason, my son, Zack, you mentioned. He is the owners son, and a third generation tech to be!! Pretty exciting to see his name mentioned at the same bar that is held by donny. Donny, is the master of the industry for installation. I have to tell you ,that looking at Donnys' work, every single time is just ART.
Maureen, is such a talent that we have had to add three more service techs to keep up with her, reminding our customers. It is a tedious, mundane and sometimes, depressing task. She is always on her calls though, because, not reminding one person, would cause her to take great concern personally. It means that much to her. She means that much to us. a great great tech, that cares from his soul, not just his heart. He is an incredible human being and a talented, thorough, caring tech. His work ethics and personal ethics, are somewhat of an example as far as what kind of person you want coming into your home and working on your heating and cooling. Side note, he likes to bring doggie treats in his pockets!!!
I could do a write up on each and everyone of my , " work family"....but, if you scroll through, i think everyone has been given a shout out.
These guys shine. We stand behind and they shine. We are truly , I have to tell you after working on this internal part of the company for years, tell you that the people in this company , are the most incredible people you could ever ask to trust with our liabilities ever!!!! Mackay Heating and Cooling has come a very long way, and your testament just put icing on the cake. We thank you .