We moved to Oshawa from midtown Toronto in the late summer and were instantly put off by the water quality. Way too much chlorine, it felt like the traditional "hard" water and I could detect the hint of an "algal" taste. We begged the handyman to install the Aquasana kitchen top system from our last home and were relieved to find a filtered water function in the fridge until then.
Fast forward 6 months. The Home Depot water test was finally returned. Then we received a call. I knew what to expect and had done plenty of research on biochemistry and the kinds of chemicals found in your average, municipal water supply. The representative tested our water, explained what was found (I already knew) and presented us with options. After my family members had experienced skin problems and even lesions following showers, we just wanted a solution. Needless to say, we were one of the easiest sales this company has ever had, mainly due to my knowledge of water pollution and the conventional methods used by municipalities to deal with deadly threats to mass human health. The skin problems were the clincher.
We decided to implement a whole house solution, including water softening, purification, reverse osmosis, air purification and the ozonated cold water clothes washer cleaning system. With Rainsoft, you pay for quality and you pay for upkeep. That all depends on what contractor you're dealing with and All Water Solutions is the best. They scheduled a full install over the weekend. After finding what might possibly be asbestos wrapping a pipe that was to be tapped for the job, they hired a professional to remove it. On their dime.
As for the results, we couldn't be happier. The water quality is nothing like we've ever experienced before. The tap water, alone, is like bottled water. And the reverse osmosis drinking water is fantastic. Showering is a whole new experience. I have been using coconut oil on my skin for the past 10 years, which helped with dryness. But I would always feel- and look- dried out after showering. With the Rainsoft system, the dryness is completely gone. I'm also losing at least 50% less hair after each shower. Both are game changers with respect to health and beauty. And I'm a man. My family is absolutely delighted with the system, as they were more sensitive to the municipal water supply via showers than I was. All skin problems have disappeared over the past couple of weeks since installation.
I haven't even mentioned the ozonated cold water clothes washing system, which is amazing. We still use a bit of detergent, but it takes less time and far less energy than the old way. It's easily as effective and anyone can do it. Yes, including me who has always shied away from the washer. Men, definitely take note.
I can't say too much about the air purification system yet, but I understand the UV-C light technology and am confident it'll make a major difference in our health over the coming months.
We would all highly recommend James and his company for whole home water purification solutions. It remains to be seen how their followup is, but I am very confident that they fully back their products and will service them accordingly. Once you decide to go this route, my family and I can assure you: you will never go back. NEVER.