Modern Appliance

Appliance Repair
Toronto ON M2H 2X1
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HomeStars  >  Appliance Repair in Markham  >  Modern Appliance  >  To the rescue once again!
Robert Lloyd from Old Toronto
Robert Lloyd from Old Toronto
9 reviews Toronto, ON

To the rescue once again!

I have had the opportunity (and was /am glad for it) to engage Modern Appliance when we first took occupancy of our newly acquired (2013) home. The review for said engagement can be found on Home Stars. On this visit, like the first visit Peter was amazing (please note that this visit included proactive legwork on M.A.'s part as we had to source parts as I have a stove that is uncommon in CAN.). Once they arrived the turn around time was incredibly quick. Peter arrived and in minutes the ice maker was up and running and he turned his attention to the stove. Every step was explained in detail as per my request (I am sure he is happy to entertain "silent running mode" if you require). He was also generous enough to let me have some time to clean the stove thoroughly while he waited as this presented a good opportunity to access that would normally be an effort. Everything is working perfectly and you couldn't hope to deal with a more skilled professional who is also incredibly affable and willing to share the process. THANKS Peter!!

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Company Response

Hi Robert
Thank you so much for that super glowing review!!!!
Thank you for the repeat business
You are a great person to do work for and I truly appreciate customers like yourself!!!!
Thanks again