I had hired him for a new two story house in North York area (Yonge & Finch)
He started the job okay but as the work proceeded he asked more money than the performed work, claiming that the items are much more done even they were not finished.
In his testing the drains for plumbing the house got flooded twice (luckily before finishes so we just put the jobs on hold till the structure dried enough)
A few times he left for overseas trip & my job was on hold since he had no crew to carry the job.
He has left some loose pipes in the mechanical room, never fastened properly.
City inspection passed with delay because of some deficiencies (two primers for floor drains were not done).
His measurements for rough-ins were awful & here are a few problems in that regards:
1- I had to open up a wall to fix the master bedroom's bathtub spout to match the tiles(re-drywall, plaster & paint at my cost)
2- I had to do the powder room's faucet's built-in vanity two times
3- some of the covering plates can't get to the wall
4- valve at the garage does not turn in full (gets stuck to the nib wall)
5- huge opening inside cabinet to match the floor sleeve for sink
He missed a drain for double sink vanity so tried to make all in one which has caused the vanity drawers does not close properly
When the full contract was paid he never finished the job in the kitchen & tags at the manifold & connection at powder room's vanity.
When we ran two showers, water was not coming & I had to hire a plumber for plumbing-debris cleaning.
Through entire job he argued against any request that "it's not needed don't worry, ..." he thinks he is the God-plumber. For one I had to insist so much just to get a drain valve for whole house plumbing in mechanical room, he was saying you can use the washing machine in basement for that purpose.
He claimed that he has lost money because of his miscalculation & asked to be compensated more than the contract amount to carry his work which I did not trust & even though that I had paid the contract in full , I had to hire different crew to finish the job.