Fred from Mackay Heating and Cooling is always very nice, very neat and tidy, always takes his shoes off while entering the home, very knowledgeable, and takes his time to answer your questions. One thing he did bring up though is that our 10 yr Trane Warranty from 2008 may have changed and that while all parts and labour are still covered, we may now be subject to an Administrative Shipping and Handling Fee for some parts, eg. a ventor assembly may cost us $58.00. Our all-inclusive Warranty coverage from 2008 may not be grandfathered in, and we're not too happy about that. If my ventor assembly does have to be replaced, I don't want to pay a $58.00 Shipping & Handling Fee. I want my 10 yr Trane Warranty to cover all costs while it is under warranty. Can someone from Mackay Heating and Cooling please contact us about this.