I hired SCRUBS Group in the fall of 2007 so the service has been in place for over 6 months -- this is for bi-weekly cleaning. I pay $125 per cleaning for a 1900 square foot home. So far, we have had three times where they had to re-book the date, which is an inconvenience as we need to tidy up our stuff so that the cleaning can be done. These are no-show reschedules. We've also had no-shows on the rescheduled dates! Finally, I asked them to set a day that works better for them so that this would not happen any more. The quality of the work is another issue: I've called to complain about the quality of the service...or lack there-of on two occasions.
This week is the proverbial last straw! I was working from home and the crew of three came to do the cleaning. They were here for 40 minutes (door to door) and cleaned for 30 minutes. I was asked if they should clean downstairs (YES - that was the agreement!) and I did interfere once when they were using the carpet agitator to try to vacuum the stairs (there are attachments for that). So, what did they do in the 30 minutes - You should see the photos -- the toilets were still dirty (months of lack of real cleaning adds up), the counters, toaster... you name it, there was really nothing cleaned. Maybe SCRUBS should rename themselves - Wipe Quickly and Run (WQR)!
The only reason I'm even giving them a 1 for satisfaction is that I've already had other services and on occasion they have been satifactory...
Please, someone help us find a reasonable service that really does the job. Recommendations anyone?