Metal Roofing - Paint in Brampton, ON

If your metal roof is new and unpainted, experts recommend waiting at least 6 months before applying paint on it. Before painting, the roof should be cleaned with a power washer to get rid of existing dirt, mold or oils that may affect the coat of paint.

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Recently Reviewed Brampton Metal Roofing

Published: 04/27/2024
We've recently had an issue with our windows leaking resulting in the inside trim getting warped. We were told by the company who installed the windows that it could be a possible leak from the roof although I was not...
Published: 04/28/2024
Albano responded fast, provided a reasonable price with a quality work. Appreciate his logical analyse of the problem. Highly recommended.
Published: 04/27/2024
Emergency roof Repair. Resingled 2 singles. Came, check the site hles and repaired the damaged area.