Vision Pools & Landscaping

Landscape Contractors & Designers
Burlington ON L7P 2M4
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Reviews for Vision Pools & Landscaping

Average customer rating:
3.7 10 (15 reviews)

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Private User
Private User
1 review Hamilton, ON


Jesse was very professional and quick to respond to all requests. His crew did an amazing job and were fast in completing the project. Vision is very reliable and provides good quality work at very reasonable pricing. Thanks once again Jesse. Cant wait to get the pool project started with you.

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Company Response

Thank you very much. I am very excited to start the construction for your pool. I'm glad you like your new beautiful fence.

0 reviews Toronto, ON

Beware DON’T hire

I contacted Jessie to build a fence for us to match the existing fence of our neighbour. He was very responsive at first. But that quickly changed. I found myself following up constantly to check up on when he’d start the job. He’d promise he would start one day at the date kept getting pushed. However I wouldn’t know about the delay until I was the one who reached out. Once he finally came he measured our property line incorrectly and it wasn’t until I pointed it out that a correction was made. Posts were put in and it wasn’t until a week later that a fence was put up. He Overcharged me - I went back and measured and noticed that he over calculated (costing me nearly $300 more). The doors that he installed did not function properly and the gate boards kept bending where are the handle was. We had a sloppy ground so there was a decent amount of gap between the ground and the fence which defeated the purpose of this whole project which was to enclose our pet. The boards he put up we’re not all nailed in and some are already beginning to curl. No pre-drill were done so there’s some splitting. Jessie cut back on the amount of screws used so the fence is not sturdy. Anything he dug out went on our lawn that is now all muddy and grass is dead. He had promised he was going to come and fix all this however after weeks of empty words he never showed up again and never picked up my calls or responded to my texts. The boards with she cemented into the ground we’re not done adequately. Very little cement was used which means that The wooden boards are going to wear much quicker specially in the harsh winters we get. I had to hire someone else to come and fix his mess and ended up paying much more than I had and anticipated. To make matters worse he ruined the landscaping of my neighbours that he promised to fix and never did. As a result someone needed to come in and money was paid to fix it. Jesse was not the cheapest option we got but he seemed nice and capable hence we went with him. Definitely regret that decision. I would never recommend him and urge you to look for someone else.

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6 of 6 people found this review helpful.
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Company Response

I'm very sorry you feel this way. The math of all the linear footage is all there. There also was a bunch of extras I threw in for free. I have never used less than the standard amount 3-4 bags per hole for the posts. I cant believe you would post all this to make yourself look better. I'm sorry you had to go out and get someone else to help you finish but I told you I was going to come back and finish the job of cleaning up the mess when all the snow melted and cut the single interlocking stone on your neighbours side when the snow melted.

Thanks for telling your side of the story.

Dana in Newcastle
Dana in Newcastle
3 reviews Burlington, ON

Hot tub repair

Unknown leaking and power issues. Jesse was very professional, pleasant and had good
Communication. I would definitely recommend this service. The job was completed in a timely manner and jesse came back right away when another unexpected issue arose.

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Company Response

Thank you so much for the nice words. You were a great customer.

Private User
Private User
1 review Burlington, ON

Driveway extension

Great experience with the team. Highly recommend their services. Professional and easy to work with

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Company Response

Thank you very much for this review. It was great doing the work for you. Thanks

Private User
Private User
Private User reviews Hamilton, ON

First Review


Pool/Landscape Reno

Fantastic work and craftsmanship. What we paid for was what we received. Usually you hear landscaping nightmares but not with this company. Owner Jessie was amazing and truly made this Reno seamless.

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Company Response

Thank you, I hope you enjoy. You were great customers to work with.

The reviews on this page are the subjective opinion of the Author and not of HomeStars Inc.

More about Vision Pools & Landscaping

Welcome to Vision Pools & Landscaping. We are an elite pool building company that has over 23 years of pool building and landscaping experience. Our Services are: pools, landscaping, landscape design, decks, fences, pergolas, interlocking stone, hardscape, softscape, stonework, retaining walls, water features, and ponds. We provide complimentary onsite consultations ...
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