Atlantic Coast Movers

Moving & Storage
Halifax NS B3S 1A2
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1 review Belleville, ON

House Moving

While the initial stages of planning our move with Atlantic Coast Movers went smoothly with Stan and Adam, the overall experience fell short of expectations.

There were some initial communication issues regarding the delivery date and promised discounts, which caused some stress. It's important to note that Atlantic Coast Movers did reach out afterward to explain the situation and have taken steps to ensure this doesn't happen again, which I appreciate. The payment options and methods were secure and professional including the initial email correspondence.

One suggestion for future customers: online quotes can be adjusted, so taking screenshots or saving them for reference might be helpful.

While the delivery date was eventually rescheduled to the one initially requested, communication with dispatch regarding alternative options, such as garage access or pre-move storage, caused some additional stress, especially for my pregnant wife.

Thankfully, the third-party crew who performed the actual delivery were excellent!

Overall, while there were some initial hiccups, Atlantic Coast Movers did take steps to address our concerns. I would recommend potential customers carefully consider their communication needs during the planning stages.

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Company Response

Dear Gary,

Thank you for your feedback. We are committed to providing excellent service and addressing any concerns our customers may have.
We would like to clarify the events related to your move. Our records indicate that despite the original misunderstanding of the proposed delivery dates by our sales team, we fulfilled our commitment by delivering your belongings on the date that you requested. We also recognized any inconvenience and undue stress you may have experienced and offered a 5% discount as a gesture of goodwill. During our phone conversation, you expressed that this resolution was satisfactory.
It is disappointing to see your review suggesting otherwise. We take pride in our professionalism and punctuality and work hard to ensure a positive experience for all our customers. If there are still any unresolved issues or further concerns, we would appreciate the opportunity to discuss them with you directly. Please feel free to contact our Quality Control department at any time.
We are here to help and are dedicated to resolving any genuine concerns you may have.