Ars Repair & Installation

Formerly Appliances Repair Service
Appliance Repair
Vaughan ON L4K 1G6
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Freddie in Mississauga
Freddie in Mississauga
1 review Vaughan, ON

should have read the reviews first

Never again. LG shame on you. Told window was 9-1, nobody came. Called, told 2 computer systems, actual 2-5, nobody came. 6:30pm got call from technician, 7:30pm showed up, spent less than 5 minutes, said I need a new washer. Nice guy yes, but $120 full price + tax for that? Called them the next morning, sorry sir, price is $120, I am not authorized to reduce, I'll talk to my manager. Now I know who to call next time, not you.

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Company Response

Sorry for the inconvenience, we have learned and applied changes in our service to avoid from technician to be late.