Penguin Basements

Formerly Penguin Condos
Basement Renovation
Toronto ON M3J 2C4
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1 review Toronto, ON

Basement Reno

As with any huge home renovation there are hiccups. At times I felt that communication is poor but I also recognized that I was not their only customer. Rodrigo unfortunately got the not so great side of my personality because as a customer this is a huge investment and easy to become frustrated. Rodrigo however wears many hats and I hope he is duly compensated. However I am pleased with the outcome and would recommend this company. Special shout out to Josh who explained so much of what there was to do. I recommend, that you avoid change orders once the work is started and itens delivered because that ran up my costs. Also as a recommendation to Penguin educate your staff on courtesy a simple hello is not that hard after all you are doing work in a paying client's home. Job well done and coordinating it all Rodrigo.

My only negatives are: 1)the framing we lost 12 inches of space and windows are very deeply set 2) the plumbing mistakes meant my floors had to be broken again which Josh fixed.

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