Easy Electric Inc.

Toronto ON M5H 2N2
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HomeStars  >  Electricians in North York  >  Easy Electric Inc.  >  Electrical Update
Donald from Toronto
Donald from Toronto
1 review Toronto, ON

Electrical Update

I found Easy Electric from the yellow pages in the phone book. They had a good add with lots of experience. They ended up coming over 2 times, to do some fundamental and replacement work, nothing complicated, in the garage, basement, and upstairs. They did a capable job, based on what I know, everything worked satisfactory after they were finished. They were prompt, polite, and efficient. They seemed to know what they were doing and I appreciated that they told me in advance of the work, there were several parts, what equipment it would require and gave a good estimate of the costs. In the end the total cost was more than I expected, but the work involved more than I originally thought. They justified all of the work and costs that they did. They did a very satisfactory job, I have recommended the company a couple times and I would hire them again.

Approximate cost of services:
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Company Response

Thank you very much Donald for your comments and choosing us to provide you great service.
A high star review on public website from a client is most valuable thing for any business. It proves work satisfaction and service, we provided to our clients.