Pest Solution Services Bed Bugs Specialist

Pest & Animal Control
Toronto ON M9V 3X8
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Gail in Toronto
Gail in Toronto
19 reviews Toronto, ON

Bed Bugs are Disgusting but Muhammad has Your Back

By the time we met Muhammad, we had already attempted to remove our small bedbug infestation three times. The first two involved a company who used poison sprays and “bombs” leaving chemicals on every surface and every single item in our home. It took weeks to clean it all up. The third attempt was my son’s who, after much research, decided on a somewhat less toxic approach using products from home depot. But, a few months later, I had bites on my arm and I was frantic.

Again, I went to but this time I continued my search until I found someone with spectacular reviews as well as a non-poisonous approach and found Muhammad’s Pest Solution Services. Although costly, after what we’d already been through, we decided it was worth it.

Many reviews already describe how outstandingly knowledgeable Muhammad is. But, equally impressive is how honest he is. Anyone with a grain of sense could see that we were convinced that we still had bedbugs, and that we were desperate. But rather than take advantage, Muhammad carefully inspected our house and his diagnosis was that we had gotten rid of the bugs! What we thought were bedbug bites were something else.

About 5 weeks later, my son’s girlfriend had a few bites and again, we concluded that they were from bedbugs. My son took photos and we called Muhammad. He came by and checked the house again. Diagnosis – carpet beetles. (No charge) We just needed to vacuum everyday for a week.

A few days later I remembered that I’d seen a few tiny holes in some of my t-shirts and figured they were moths. I photographed them, sent the photos by text to Muhammad who agreed. And rather than send me off to get moth balls, he came by a third time to give me a less offensive type of cure. (Again, no charge.)

Bedbugs are disgusting and having them is a bigger deal that I ever imagined. Along with Muhammad’s knowledge and honesty, he understands how upsetting the problem is and handles it with sensitively. As others have mentioned, his plain white immaculate truck does not advertise to the neighbors that you have bugs and he is always respectful of your feelings and your property.

If you are hunting for a solution to bedbugs, don’t waste your time and money on any of these places that fill your home with poison. We recommend Muhammad without reservation and would hire him again in a heartbeat.

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Company Response

Thank you Gail for the wonderful review,
It is great to know you are happy with our services. We make sure our clients are treated in a respectful manner. We are ethical and professional, and glad you think so too. It makes us very happy to know your problem is solved and that you would use our services again. Don't hesitate to contact us again. Ready to help anytime.