The Duct Cleaning Specialists

Duct Cleaning
Vaughan ON L4L 3R7
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BRAD from Uxbridge in Uxbridge
BRAD from Uxbridge in Uxbridge
1 review Uxbridge, ON

Great job... no BS

The guys showed up on time and went straight to work. They were very low-key. I really liked there was no up-selling. Two hours later our ~3200 sq foot home was cleaned.
From when I booked the appointment on line to when i made payment, everything was exactly as you read on this web site. (I dont normally bother to add comments). You can buy with confidence.

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Company Response

Hey Brad, thanks for sharing about your experience with us. Glad you were happy with our service from start to finish. We keep everything upfront so there are no surprises, and ensure we take the time to do a proper and thorough job. If we can be of any help or service in the future, please keep us in mind. Thanks again for your business, it is greatly appreciated. Paul