Canadian Appliance Source

Appliance Retailers
Toronto ON M9W 1B6
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HomeStars  >  Appliance Retailers in Toronto  >  Canadian Appliance Source  >  Appliances for a new home
Elisa in Toronto
Elisa in Toronto
1 review Toronto, ON

Appliances for a new home

I was looking for all 5 major appliances for a new home. I was shopping on-line and in stores but could not find what I wanted for a good price. Today I went to The Canadian Appliance Source, and finally purchased my appliances! Ravi Kohli was very resourceful, knowledgeable , patient and helpful. He recommended me the right set of appliances to meet my needs, and most importantly the budget! Can't wait to get my appliances delivered! Will definitely recommend this place to my friends.

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Thank you for your feedback.

We are very pleased to hear about the experience you received from our sales and delivery. We look forward to assisting you again in the near future.

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