Canadian Appliance Source

Appliance Retailers
Toronto ON M9W 1B6
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HomeStars  >  Appliance Repair in Toronto  >  Canadian Appliance Source  >  Refrigerator/Range/Microwave-convection oven
Valerie Norrie in Toronto
Valerie Norrie in Toronto
1 review Mississauga, ON

Refrigerator/Range/Microwave-convection oven

I can't tell you how happy I am today!! I had a terrible experience with another appliance company, but Dave Thomas with Canadian Appliances renewed my faith in salespeople!!! He went above and beyond to search for my product and was able to give me amazing customer service! And he is able to get me my appliances within a week, unlike the other company who couldn't even give me a delivery date! Dave, I thank you so very much for all your work! I highly recommend you and your company to all my family and friends!!

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Dear Customer,

Thank you for your feedback.

We are very pleased to hear about the experience you received from our sales and delivery. We look forward to assisting you again in the near future.

Kind regards