Canadian Appliance Source

Appliance Retailers
Toronto ON M9W 1B6
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HomeStars  >  Appliance Retailers in Toronto  >  Canadian Appliance Source  >  Excellent buying experience
Marie in Toronto
Marie in Toronto
1 review Ottawa, ON

Excellent buying experience

I went to the Merivale location in need of a compact dryer, and I had seen that their prices were super reasonable. I was expecting a bargain basement type store, but it's actually really nice. My sales rep, Dan Thorenton, helped me make my purchasing decision and was knowledgeable and friendly.
Delivery and removal of my old dryer was quick and easy as well.

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Dear Customer,

Thank you for your feedback.

We are very pleased to hear about the experience you received from our sales and delivery. We look forward to assisting you again in the near future.

Kind regards