Canadian Appliance Source

Appliance Retailers
Toronto ON M9W 1B6
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Ken in Toronto
Ken in Toronto
1 review Toronto, ON

Bosch Dishwasher/ Experience

Our dishwasher broke down and we really needed a new dishwasher for our home. At the Cartwright location we met a great salesperson by the name of George. He pointed us in the direction towards a Bosch dishwasher and explained numerous features as to why it would be a great choice for our family. I trusted George's expertise and he proved to be very helpful. Our new Bosch dishwasher is working flawlessly and we will definitely be returning to buy our fridge from George and Canadian Appliance Source. Great price, great quality and great service. Thank you George!

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Thank you for your feedback.

We are very pleased to hear about the experience you received from our team. We look forward to assisting you again in the near future.

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