Do not build with this company ...they certainly won't last.
3 years (that's right count them three years) to build a house from start to finish and they were only finished because I fired them. As per the previous message on this post they were $200,000 over budget, the workmanship was rarely of quality, there were a couple of trades that we liked a LOT, however because they costed too much or weren't treated adequately they ended up leaving CCD. There was a constant revolving door of supervisors on our home...who promised good things but all fell on deaf ears. Things had to be done 10 times before anything was done right and even then it seemed they managed to break something else in the process. If anything these guys will really test a be prepared for many arguments and hardships long the way.
Needless to say, our one year warranty has expired and the house is still riddled with deficiencies and we don't have all the proper documentation. To make a long story short, we agreed to make a final payment and cut them lose pending proper documentation (i.e RPR, grading certificate and development permit). Made my last payment to them last week once I returned home to have a final look through of the documents they forwarded the wrong documents.
I would never recommend CCD to build a custom built home to anyone!!! If you're looking at building a house ensure you do you're proper research , skip these guys, your sanity and relationship is worth more than any house.