Priority Plumbing

Toronto ON M6P 3S7
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HomeStars  >  Plumbing in Toronto  >  Priority Plumbing  >  Leaking kitchen sink
Kim Fox in Old Toronto
Kim Fox in Old Toronto
1 review Toronto, ON

Leaking kitchen sink

Wow! What a terrific company! Priority Plumbing was fast, professional and the price was fair. I called at 9 am, their technician came out late this morning. He was courteous, honest and very helpful. He gave me a lot of information about my 100 year old home and pointed out quite a few areas of concern but at no time did I feel pressured to do anything. I know that this house has a lot of issues and when the time is right I’ll be calling Priority Plumbing for sure!

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We are so pleased to hear we were able to serve you efficiently and meet your needs! Please sign up for our newsletter to stay current with our industry offers. Thank you for your business!
Priority Plumbing