

Throughout our 3-bathroom renovations, Peter was a fixture in our home. I trusted him (and his team) and I felt safe. We had daily check-ins to make sure that we were meeting milestones and that details were being followed accordingly. He helped us manage our expectations. He gave us our homework - tasks that we needed to complete for the follow day(S). When we hit bumps in the road (as all renos are bound to encounter), Peter was forthcoming about the issues, or his concerns. Then, we would jointly develop creative solutions that were often better than our original plans. We have an old 50s bungalow that needs a lot of TLC. While we were waiting for some supplies to come in, Peter offered to work on other projects that were on the back burner, which was wonderful. I am cerebral and Im constantly thinking about issues that may be encountered. When I brought these worries to Peter, he was not dismissive. He actively listened to me. More often than not, he had already anticipated the issues I was concerned over, and had plans to manage these challenges. But when we were managing some of the unplanned projects, he really listened to issues that were unsettling to me. He easily made the conceptual leaps with me, and then cleverly navigated ways through problems. Peter is passionate and inventive. He has moments when he is in his head, quietly processing and planning things. There are times when he is a social butterfly; and then there are times when he is a bulldozer and just plows through tasks. I think these are all necessary characteristics in a great contractor. If you are planning some bathroom renovations, trust me youve just found the right guy.

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Company Response

Thank you so much for your thoughtful review! It was a pleasure working with you on your project, and I’m glad to hear that you felt safe and trusted me and my team throughout the process. Your involvement and our daily check-ins were crucial in keeping everything on track, and I’m happy we could work together to creatively solve any challenges, especially given the unique needs of your older home. I appreciate your recognition of the different approaches I take, whether it’s planning, problem-solving, or pushing through tasks, and I’m glad you felt heard and supported. Thank you for trusting me with your home, and I’d be honored to work with you again on any future projects.