

My furnace stopped producing hot air and would shut off during windy days. After doing some research to find one of the highest-rated HVAC companies in the GTA, I contacted High Efficiency Cooling and Heating to service the furnace. Within a couple of hours Pirabaharan came to my home and quickly identified the issue (heat exchangers were blocked). The parts were ordered that same day and the replacement was done by Pirabaharan and Jason a couple of days later. They gave me updates about the work they were doing as they were doing it. They also took the time to clean the AC evaporator coils inside the furnace while they were exposed. This is not something they needed to do, yet they did it as part of their great service! They efficiently performed the repair work and left the area they worked in spotless. I am very happy with the service and experience I received not only with Pirabaharan and Jason but also the rest of the staff at High Efficiency Cooling and Heating I interacted with. I highly recommend High Efficiency Cooling and Heating if you are having issues with your furnace. Frank

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Company Response

Hi Choi, Enjoy your new Carrier system.