Tack Construction Services

Ottawa ON K2S 2E7
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1 review Ottawa, ON

Beautiful Bay Window Siding!

We were hard pressed to find anyone who were willing to do this job.

You see, the old panelling under our bay window had deteriorated and needed to be repaired. We especially wanted this done before the snow comes as there was a big hole in that panelling. It also wouldnt hurt to be done sooner rather than later with the amount of rain weve been getting.

We were also hoping to have a maintenance free exterior. No more trying to schedule painting above a garage between summer heat and rain. We wanted to have it covered up with siding.

Plus it would look better too! Some of our neighbours have also done this.

Well thanks to Dustin and Rob for coming by on a Sunday to complete this project.

I did mention it was a Sunday - right?

Because that is important for this review.

They squeezed us in during their hectic schedule to fix our bay window.

Really fun guys. But they also took our small job very seriously.

The weather proofing was completed and the siding was custom cut to fit our bay window. And it looks amazing.

They also did a couple of other small repairs for us too!

I mean - they know how to keep the customer happy!

And we are very happy with their work!

So Dustin and Rob.Thank you so much for taking the time out if your busy busy schedules to complete our bay window repair. It was very much appreciated.

And to anyone else out there reading this(yes that would be you) we would highly recommend Dustin and Rob for any type of siding job.

So what are you waiting for - give them a call - today!

Thank you.

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Company Response

It was an absolute pleasure working for you. I can understand how hard it is to get a company in to do small jobs at a very busy time of year. I am a small company. have been for years. I started with small jobs, and that is what built my reputation. I remember my roots.
Thank you for the water.

Dustin & Rob