Splashworks Kitchen And Bath

Kitchen Planning & Renovation
Toronto ON M6B 1P5
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Kitchen Planning & Renovation
Splashworks Kitchen And Bath
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Reviews for Splashworks Kitchen And Bath

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7.6 10 (18 reviews)

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Splashworks KB in North York
Splashworks KB in North York
1 review Toronto, ON

Bathroom reno, popcorn ceiling coverage and pot lights in living areas, kitchen undermount lighting, painting

Excellent service and support from start to finish. Timely response to questions, project start and finish dates on time, assisted in choosing all finishes and eliminated hours of independent shopping. Managed the condo applications, elevator booking and followed the rules of the building.
Tidy, professional workers who took pride in their work. The result was exactly what we wanted, and Jerry did a review following completion where small details were completed prior to final payment.
We plan to reno the 2nd bathroom in the future, and I will use Splashworks 100% and have no plans to even obtain quotes from other companies.

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InToronto in Old Toronto
InToronto in Old Toronto
3 reviews Toronto, ON

Kitchen renovation

Kitchen looks great, work was roughly on time. However 2 years later something broke down and now I am faced with everybody pointing fingers at each other.
Was quite happy with result of Splashworks Kitchen work on my kitchen 2 years ago. The issue arose 2 years later when new induction cooktop broke down: that brand was a recommendation from Splashworks and Tasco; Brand Dacor -who by the way is an American company and has the worst client service ever-; called Dacor who, after wasting my time asking a lot of questions, recommended a Toronto based technician who does not come cheap just for a diagnostic. Came, had 1 second look and identified the issue -which by the way Dacor should have known when I called them and described the issue-; Technician said he would call Dacor and see if replacement part could be ordered. Reportedly Dacor no longer fabricates the part; Technician in any event indicated rightly or wrongly that cooktop and oven were not installed (by Splashworks) properly: number of amps is too low so it basically fried cooktop. Called Splashworks several times, wrote e-mails indicating that even though it was not under warranty, it would be great if they could make an honest proposal to repair the situation. Only got through to Gerry once who argued it was not their fault and it was properly installed. I said at the end of the day I do not care, I just want the cooktop to work again so could they make a proposal to replace the cooktop, make whatever adjustment is needed to the countertop and ensure there are proper electric connections. No response now after several calls and messages. I have no time for this. When it was a matter of me paying the large deposits and progress payments I was not even allowed a day of delay otherwise I was threatened to have the works stop. When I need a decent response to an issue I am facing on the work they did there is silence.
C. D. Toronto

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Private User
Private User
Private User reviews Toronto, ON

major home reno

Splashworks was not the least expensive bid but we first did our master bathroom with them and were so pleased we did not seek a second quote to do our Kitchen gut and reno. Their crew were all friendly and professional. They took longer (two months)than estimated but we did not see this as unusual for the industry. Over three years later we had a kitchen cabinet issue and Gerry sent someone over that week to investigate and it was fixed that same day.
Friends of ours have had "horror" stories with contractors and we still feel we made the right choice not to go with the cheapest bid.

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MP in Toronto
MP in Toronto
5 reviews Toronto, ON

Bathroom Renovation

Would highly recommend this company
Best job ever. Very professional. Cleaned up every day so that all was available for use when we got home.
Finished on time
Finished on Budget
Would highly recommend Gerry and Cindy!!!!

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Arthur from Toronto
Arthur from Toronto
11 reviews Toronto, ON

Bathroom Renovation. WORST Experience Ever

We approached splash works about doing a compete upstairs bathroom Reno. We asked for references. We went to 3 homes, and saw work which was OK, but several shortcuts, and crummy finishing in areas. I told Gerry we wanted a top quality job, and we were willing to pay for it. They quoted us approx $40k, which we didn't quibble about. Just wanted it done right. Gerry tried to get us to immediately decide upon everything down to final paint color. We told him that we felt that it was rushing us into making hasty decisions. He told us we were going to get 3 meetings, and that was that. He then drew up a very complex statement of work, which we signed off on. He immediately insisted we give him a substantial down payment, and said that their "crew" would start immediately. I paid the bill. Well, the crew ended up being 1 or 2 guys, and some days none. First issue was that there were substantial piles of garbage being tossed out my side door. I asked Gerry when a bin was coming We approached splash works about doing a compete upstairs bathroom Reno. We asked for references. We went to 3 homes, and saw work which was OK, but several shortcuts, and crummy finishing in areas. I told Gerry we wanted a top quality job, and we were willing to pay for it. They quoted us approx $40k, which we didn't quibble about. Just wanted it done right. Gerry tried to get us to immediately decide upon everything down to final paint color. We told him that we felt that it was rushing us into making hasty decisions. He told us we were going to get 3 meetings, and that was that. He then drew up a very complex statement of work, which we signed off on. He immediately insisted we give him a substantial down payment, and said that their "crew" would start immediately. I paid the bill. Well, the crew ended up being 1 or 2 guys, and some days none.
First issue was that there were substantial piles of garbage being tossed out my side door. I asked Gerry when a bin was coming. Gerry gave us the excuse " Bins cost too much money for a job like this, and it wasn't in the statement of work", and "they'd remove the stuff as they could". This was infuriating, as there was a ton of broken glass out there. One of his staff asked if they could have our large mirror that was over the sink. I said "OK", expecting it would be gone. Well, the guy decided it was too big to take in one piece, and tried to cut it, smashing it in the process. Instead of removing all the broken glass, he just staked it up with the other garbage. So, every day the heap of drywall, floor tiles, broken glass, empty cans of (whatever) kept piling up, and only when I escalated my requests would some of it disappear.
The next fiasco..' Prior to the renovation, we installed a very expensive shower door from a local company. They installed it perfectly, and it slid like it was floating on air.' I asked Splash works to have this company professionally remove it, and re-install it. As this might cost them a few bucks, they refused. In the course of removing the sliding door, they bashed the lower brackets into many pieces. They simply left the parts in a pile of junk in the bottom of the tub with other rubbish. I immediately recognized this essential part, and reported it to the job foreman. He ASSURED me that it would be no problem whatsoever. I called up the Shower Door Supplier 2 weeks later to ensure they ordered a replacement . Of course not.' So, I waited, and kept checking.. Nothing. So, then it was time (eventually) to replace the door. I got a call from the job foreman. He said they were having "difficulties" in re-hanging the door. No kidding... The parts were missing. So, I politely calked Gerry, and told him that the door track was damaged by Their guys when the door was pulled. He literally BELLOWED at me. "We're not responsible for demolition costs!!!" I had previously explained to Jerry that his guys broke it, and told them (and emailed ) saying this. It took them almost a month to simply replace it. Problem was it was minimum 2 weeks lead time. Jerry then stared blaming his job site supervisor, (as he did everything) and it took another wasted week to order it. I told Gerry I wanted the door supplier to re-install it. He refused. His employee hung it wrong, and it has never closed properly. This was after making 3 trips to the house to try and correct it. Then, in an effort to try and fool me that it was hung straight, the employee pulled the rubber seal away from the door, and made it "look like" it was closing properly. Issue is that its only sitting on the glass by 1/4" at the top, and 1/2" at the bottom. Very amateur.
As well, the mounting holes were drilled in the wrong location. We made it clear on our order that we wanted a simple fixed shower head, and Not one that slides up & down on a pole. We made this abundantly clear. Despite this, he had his crew show up with the totally wrong unit, and of course didn't have the right one. Worse still, he invoiced us $800 on our next progress payment for the totally wrong one. It should be noted that this bathroom shared a wall with the adjoining bedroom. When they cut out the drywall in the bathroom to make room for the medicine cabinets, they cut RIGHT THROUGH the bedroom walls, seriously damaging them. They assured us that repairing this was "a piece of cake", but nonetheless this has never been repaired properly. We were assured a high quality bathtub was ordered to replace the original. In a style which was coming quire familiar, splash works opted for a thin plastic tub. This ended up being a big problem, which creaks badly when you step in it. Splash works solution to this was to chop out tiles, and spray in expanding foam. This made the whole bottom of the tub a lumpy mess, because the plastic was so thin. It still creaks to this day. Throughout the Reno, the bathtub was literally a garbage receptacle for plaster, packaging materials, etc. The job kept slipping, and we would go for two week stretches without having even 1 person on site. Meanwhile, we were going through a MAJOR kitchen renovation, which was easily 5 times more complex than this simple bathroom. The kitchen (done to perfection by another reputable firm) started 1 month after the bathroom, and was totally finished while splash works was still messing around fixing bad construction, etc. Gerry was adamant that we could not supply anything. He claimed his taps, sinks, etc. we're of the highest contractor grade, and he wouldn't install "junk" Well, the toilet he installed (with a significant mark-up), broke one week after installation, causing a flood. His plumbers came in, and replaced the "guts" of it, saying that the one he ordered had numerous known problems. They said the valve was really inferior, and they put in a better one.
We then got an invoice for approximately $6000, staying the job had reached the "substantial completion" phase. Nothing could have been further from the truth. The list of non-completed items was over a page long. Gerry said this was "news to him" I reiterated to him how many phone calls and emails I made to splash works to try & get the job completed, with no response. Well, the next day, there were 4 guys at the house, scrambling to finish things. It was a circus. Here was one typical example:
If you recall earlier in the review, I stated that we wanted to wait with paint color until the very end, This makes sense. Well, one of the "finish-up crew" was a painter, and he brought a gallon of off-white paint with him. I told him that we hadn't decided final paint color, as we were waiting for Cindy to show up to advise on this. (she never did) I called Gerry immediately, and requested that he & Cindy come over, (as they promised), to advise. Gerry said they were too busy, but if I wanted another paint, I should choose it, and he'd get it immediately. Fair enough. My wife called our decorator, (as we gave up on Cindy), and we selected a paint color. It was a standard Para paint. I sent Gerry an email, requesting that this be procured immediately. His response was that "that Splash works was unable to get Para high quality paint" I found that absurd. He told me to buy it, and he'd pay for it. I drove over to the paint store, and bought it. I then brought it back to the painter, who thanked me "for buying good quality paint". He told me that the stuff that Splash works made him use was very inferior, and it didn't cover well. Splash works never reimbursed me for the paint.
Gerry then called me, and said everything would be complete in 1-2 days, and he was keeping all the guys on the job until it was 100% finished. I told him I really appreciated that. At the end of that day, the foreman came to me, and said he was instructed to take a cheque back to splash works with him. (The substantial completion amount). I felt a little uneasy about paying this, because there was still a lot to do. I called Gerry & voiced my concerns. He assured me that the crew would stay until I was 100% happy. So, I gave the cheque to the foreman. (I have NEVER had issues with paying contractors, as I like to try & trust them. That was a HUGE mistake, which I regret to this day. The 4 guys now turned back to 1, and then the job sat uncompleted. My calls and emails were an exercise in futility. I had to hire other contractors (at my expense) finish up areas including painting, door jam, tile back splash, etc. The $1600 floor heating never worked, because they cut the wires in the floor when they installed it. This was verified to me by splash works' own electrical contractor. This in itself was a crazy experience:
I complained to Gerry that the floor heating didn't work. He sent over his employee, who made me sit with him for almost 2 hours waiting for the floor to raise in heat once it turned on. The ambient temperature in the room was about 70 degrees, and we set the floor heat to 85. About 40 minutes later, the temp went up 1 degree. (it was summer & the window was open) The Splash works guy tried to convince me that "they take awhile to heat up" I said this was nonsense. We waited an hour. The temperature never changed. He then said that he agreed it didn't work.
Next, the Splash works electrician showed up. I need to mention at this point that I am electrical Engineer, and have been for more than 40 years. The Splash works electrician started to remove the control unit from the wall, and I asked him if he wanted the breaker shut down first. He said no. (This was very dangerous). He then asked me if I had the manual for the unit. Splash works did not supply us with anything.
After messing around with it for almost an hour, he said that the wires to the floor were cut. He said the control unit was fine. He said Splash works would need to break up the floor tiles to find it. He then left.
Fifteen minutes, the doorbell rang. It was the electrician. He told me he needed to go back to the bathroom. I asked him why? he said that Gerry wanted him to bring the wall controller back to Splash works. I reminded him that he just told me it was fine, and that the problem was in the floor heating. We did prove this an hour earlier by taking his multi meter and measuring a total open circuit to the floor resistance wiring.
I told him that I would let him remove the unit, if he had a replacement. He then got Gerry on the phone, who just started screaming at him. He literally held the phone at arm's length from his ear.
I since had this repaired by another firm, as I was incensed that this was never operational. About 2 months ago, there was a leak around the new window they installed. I went up into the attic, to see if there was any reason for it. I couldn't believe that there were 3 large green garbage bags stuffed full of old insulation, wrapping from parts, juice boxes, sandwich wrappers, and tons of other junk. When they took the ceiling down, they just threw all their garbage in the attic. If you look at my reviews on Home stars, I have left fabulous reviews for other contractors I've used.
I'm not a complainer. (look at my other very positive Home stars reviews) I'm a guy who has a lovely home, and doesn't mind spending top dollar to get a first rate job. This experience with Splash works was a disaster from start to finish. I have never met someone as uncooperative and just plain hostile as Gerry. I truly suggest you take my advice, and use another firm.

Approximate cost of services:
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S. Cayer in Kitchener
S. Cayer in Kitchener
1 review Toronto, ON

Renovating our main bathroom.

On time and on budget with a crew that was respectful of our space and good at their job. The process was very smooth and well planned. We are very pleased with the outcome of our new bathroom and wouldn’t hesitate recommending SplashworksKB. They were also helpful to solve a few other requests we had that were over and above he bathroom project.

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Paul Zed in Toronto
Paul Zed in Toronto
1 review Toronto, ON

Lots of splash but negligent work. Disaster advice from Cindy &Gerry. Disappointment at every step of this horrible saga

Cindy&Gerry are the owners and operators of this renovation company.
Their behaviour was nothing short of irresponsible. The public needs to be aware of this menace to the building and renovation industry.
They misrepresent all of their services and expertise to the public and certainly have left our home in a state of utter chaos for months with significant residual damage to the furnace, Air conditioner ,rugs, beds. If we thought it could
get worse, it did. Every very single piece of the bathroom
installation has now fallen apart. We brought in additional architects from an international firm who were kind enough to help as neighbours to attempt to rectify some of the negligent installation. The architect admitted to us they have never seen
anything of this magnitude or ineptitude.
I worry about the long term damage they will cause other legitimate contractors. They sent untrained carpenters and plumbers to the site many times, arbitrarily changed work orders, refuse to return calls, and emails,still are in possession of the keys to our home and have refused to complete 3 different worksites within the home.
The vanity drawers have no sides and were built 11 inches too short, the sinks have fallen from their inserts,the electrical switch plate and walls are crooked,the grout is wrong colour,the tiles we chose were substituted for others without our consultation,the paint is cracked. They sent amateurs to the house to install the marble and then cut the marble in the house causing a fine dust to be spread throughout the house

Both Gerry and Cindy need to make this right and hopefully websites like yours and these pictures will speak to other potential customers to be very very wary of this kind of Bonny and Clyde behaviour in the home renovation business.

Approximate cost of services:
What could this company do to improve their services?
Any advice to offer fellow homeowners facing a similar project?
9 of 9 people found this review helpful.
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Private User
Private User
Private User reviews Toronto, ON

Kitchen & Bath reno

We had a condo downtown that needed a small kitchen and bathroom reno with the usual space challenges that condos have. Hired Splashworks KB for a couple of reasons: they were a turnkey operation that didn’t have me dealing with different contractors, and they made recommendations when asked and were easy to understand. Jerry is the only contractor I ever dealt with who always answered his phone, and was accurate in time frame estimates. No renovation is stress-free, but our experience with SplashworksKB was as close as I could imagine.

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davidbspratt in Toronto
davidbspratt in Toronto
2 reviews Toronto, ON

Bathroom Reno

Very pleased with the bathroom reno by Splashworks. One stop shop with everything from a redesign of the space to completed project, on time and on budget. I would not hesitate to use them again.

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Larry Marshall in Toronto
Larry Marshall in Toronto
1 review Toronto, ON

Bathroom renovation

We hired SplashWorks to totally renovate our en-suite bathroom in our condo.The work was completed two weeks ago.We are extremely happy that we chose SplashWorks and as a result avoided all of the aggravation that we have experienced with other contractors on various renovation projects. From start to finish, they delivered exactly what they promised including being on time and on budget. All of their tradespeople, plumber, electrician, tiler, carpenter and others did an excellent job with quality workmanship and they were very pleasant to deal with. We experienced no mess in our condo and virtually no disruption to our own daily routine. Splashworks project management staff kept us informed advising us promptly of any change in schedule and the reasons why. Working with SplashWorks was in every way a pleasurable experience.

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More about Splashworks Kitchen And Bath

Welcome to Splashworkskb! Simply the easiest way to renovate your Kitchen or Bath. From concept to completion we take you through every step of the renovation process. Imagine a service that covers all aspects of the project. • Interior Design + Planning • Complete Renovation Service • Total Product Sourcing ...
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