Halton Exteriors

Gutters & Eavestroughs
Oakville ON L6K
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HomeStars  >  Gutters & Eavestroughs in Oakville  >  Halton Exteriors  >  Eaves and gutter guard replacement
Brenda from Oakville
Brenda from Oakville
1 review Oakville, ON

Eaves and gutter guard replacement

I am very happy with Frank and his team. They were punctual and did a fantastic job. They were very respectful of my property and you would not have even known they were there, except that I now have fabulous new eavestroughs. Frank was very helpful explaining my various options. I felt that he truly cared versus just trying to make money. I highly recommend him.

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Company Response

Thanks for the review Brenda . We appreciate your business and glad to hear you are happy with the work. It does look great!