Appliance Repair Master

Appliance Repair
Toronto ON M9C1G7
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 in Toronto
in Toronto
1 review Toronto, ON

Fridge Repair

I do not recommend this company. The end result is that my relatively new Samsung fridge is worse off then when the technician arrived! :( Not only was the original problem not fixed, but internal components were left dangling in my ice tray (see pic). I contacted the company and we exchanged emails. The picture was provided to them 1 month after the original "repair" was done but due to a miscommunication with my tenants we didn't schedule a specific time for a technician to come and fix it. Now they say it's too late (~4 months later) to fix this even though nothing has changed, the parts are still dangling as originally reported. Furthermore the original problem with water in the crisper is back ... so I'm worse off than I was before I called this company. I understand that mistakes happen but I would expect some level of customer service to correct their mistakes after I paid $169.50. I'm still open to their addressing my complaints but their last message had vague referral to a policy that I was never made aware of and can find no record off. Here's what they said "Few months have passed, and according to our policy, the service call fee applies, as it is considered to be a new call."

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Company Response

Dear Ryan, We understand your dissatisfaction as well as respect your perspective of the situation.
We acknowledge the details you are informing us of. We assure you, all of our technicians are trained and educated to date and are extremely qualified.
What you must try to understand is that it has been over four months since our service was completed. We did respond to your email which was sent to us in November immediately. We have advised you to have your tenants to call us to schedule an appointment under warranty. Nobody has ever contacted us. The warranty permitted on your appliances' has expired.
We understand it's a frustration situation, and we apologize.
Although you stress the ongoing issues, Appliance Repair Master holds a strict policy in direct regard to repairs/installations. Warranty is permitted for 30 days and nothing more.
We apologize for the inconvenience. We do stick by our company policy though.
We apologize for the frustration this may have caused you!
We appreciate your time and business!
Regards, ARM