Gillespie Handyman Services Inc.

Handyman Services
Ottawa ON K1V 9L7
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HomeStars  >  Lighting in Dunrobin  >  Gillespie Handyman Services Inc.  >  Light fixtures , curtain rod, TV mount and glass frosting
Private User
Private User
Private User reviews Gloucester, ON

Light fixtures , curtain rod, TV mount and glass frosting

Very expensive and sloppy work. They added charges for service and supplies that I didn't receive. I asked them to fix the glass frosting that was falling apart by next day, but nobody answered my email.
Please don't waste your time and money.

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Company Response

Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. We genuinely appreciate your input, as it allows future clients to see the steps we take to ensure accuracy in our preparations for various small repairs.

To provide some clarity, the materials our team sourced, picked up, and brought to your home for the window frosting installation were sent to you days ahead of our arrival to ensure they met your approval. Upon arrival, you requested us to use your product and expressed urgency to complete the job quickly, given the hourly rate for multiple small tasks around your home. This situation limited our ability to provide a fixed package cost due to the uncertainties involved. Additionally, you shortened the task list due to budget constraints once we were actively at your home working.

As discussed upon acceptance of this work, our hourly rate included all time spent on your project, including picking up materials and the subsequent return of products once you refused the ones we had confirmed and arrived prepared to install. We regret that the quality of our work only became a concern after the additional labour required to return the material was included in our invoice.

Thank you again for bringing this to our attention.