Logik Roofing & Insulation

Formerly Logik Roofing
Oshawa ON L1J 6Z7
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Christian in Toronto
Christian in Toronto
0 reviews Burlington, ON

Attic Insulation

Even after some miscommunication with our condo board, Logik was very helpful, understanding and worked to get the job done right. Super professional and friendly from start to finish. We saw instant results and are very happy with the service. A+++++

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Company Response

Hello Christian in Toronto,

Thank you for taking the time to share your positive 10 star rating regarding your experience with us at Logik Roofing & Insulation.

We are so glad to hear that we were able to assist you in a time and professional manner. We understand the urgency in wanting to have your home projects done, especially in the winter!

Our team holds high standards in providing excellent customer service and ensure you are left with a high quality job well done.

Thank you again for your kinds words!