Bathroom & Kitchen Galleries

Kitchen & Bathroom - Cabinets & Design
Burlington ON M5R 2E2
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HomeStars  >  Bathroom Renovation in Burlington  >  Bathroom & Kitchen Galleries  >  Three bathroom renovations
lynn from Etobicoke
lynn from Etobicoke
1 review Mississauga, ON

Three bathroom renovations

From the beginning, we were really impressed with this company because of the fact that the manager Patrick spent almost three hours with us choosing everything we would need in our three bathroom renovation project. And this was even before we agreed on anything. This gave us a true understanding of the material and cost and helped us make a decision. From then on, it was a really pleasant experience and the handyman Wes was amazing. His work is incredibly precise, organized and clean, and everything was completed in a timely manner.
We are happy with the results and would definitely consider them in future projects.
Thanks Patrick

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Thanks Lynn