Markham Flooring Inc

Floor Laying & Refinishing
Markham ON L3R 4B5
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HomeStars  >  Floor Laying & Refinishing in Markham  >  Markham Flooring Inc  >  Hardwood Install for Entire Home
Rod  in Pickering
Rod in Pickering
13 reviews Pickering, ON

Hardwood Install for Entire Home

We chose Markham Flooring based on a recommendation from another contractor we had as part of doing complete reno.
We were very happy with the service and advice we received,especially from Mike who quided us every step of the way.
We would certainly recommend Markham Flooring to anyone considering having new harwood put in their home

Rod & Sharon

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Company Response

Rod and Sharon,
Thanks you for the positive review. It was a pleasure doing business with you and your wife and if you ever need any future help we are here for you.