Markham Flooring Inc

Floor Laying & Refinishing
Markham ON L3R 4B5
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HomeStars  >  Floor Laying & Refinishing in Markham  >  Markham Flooring Inc  >  remove hallway carpet, repair the wood floor, varnish, and repair quarter round.
sam solecki from Toronto
sam solecki from Toronto
2 reviews Old Toronto, ON

remove hallway carpet, repair the wood floor, varnish, and repair quarter round.

The work was done promptly and efficiently between 8 and 4 of the first day and 8 and 10 (a second coast of varnish) of the second. The work area was sealed off with sheets of plastic to prevent the dust caused by sanding from spreading. I am completely satisfied with the quality of the work and with the finished floor.
Sam, Yonge/Eglinton area

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Company Response

Hey Sam,
We are glad we could help you on your project!
All the best
Eric and Team