Mr. Rooter Plumbing of GTA

Toronto ON M9L 2A6
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HomeStars  >  Plumbing in Toronto  >  Mr. Rooter Plumbing of GTA  >  Reinstallation of pipes and drain in Kitchen Sink
joechung416 in Toronto
joechung416 in Toronto
1 review Toronto, ON

Reinstallation of pipes and drain in Kitchen Sink

Bruce is very helpful and provided lot of help with my plumbing issue in my kitchen. Mr Rooter is a professional company and I would recommend to try their service.

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Company Response

Hello Joe and thank you for posting this review for Mr Rooter and our technician Bruce. We focus on customer service and are glad to hear that you received the professional and informative service that you deserve. We appreciate that you would recommend us to others! Thank you for choosing Mr Rooter and have a great day!