A Glass Act Window Cleaners & Building Maintenance Ltd.

Window & Gutter Cleaning
North Vancouver BC V7H 1T6
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HomeStars  >  Window & Gutter Cleaning in Port Mann  >  A Glass Act Window Cleaners & Building Maintenance Ltd.  >  Dismantling, Cleaning & Packing a Delicate Chandelier & Installing a Replacement Chandelier
Dawne from Coquitlam
Dawne from Coquitlam
1 review Coquitlam, BC

Dismantling, Cleaning & Packing a Delicate Chandelier & Installing a Replacement Chandelier

I have a beautiful Murano glass chandelier that is very precious to me. Kirby carefully dismantled, cleaned & packed the components for me so that when I am ready to relocate it will be ready for travelling. He also cleaned, assembled & installed a replacement chandelier in my dining room. It was a lengthy process to complete this task but Kirby managed to do an excellent job. I will definitely be contacting Kirby in the future to reassemble & install my treasured fixture.

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Company Response

Thank you for your review Dawne! Your dining room chandelier is a wonderful keepsake fixture, that you will treasure for many years to come. I look forward to assisting you with the re-installation of the chandelier in your new home, later this year. Thank you for your business!!