Finer Edge Painting & Improvements

Paint & Wallpaper Contractors
Toronto ON M3B 2M3
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HomeStars  >  Furniture in Toronto  >  Finer Edge Painting & Improvements  >  Living room, dining room and family room
2 reviews Toronto, ON

Living room, dining room and family room

Doug has painter for us before and I requested him again. He is very talented and wonderful to work with. Because the job was a large one, and time sensitive Robert was brought on board too. Robert is not only a good painter, he is a Reggie singer as well, so there was music everyday.... great voice and good fun too.
dealing with everyone at the Finer Edge Painting! They are punctual, easy to talk to and even easier to work with.
I will recommend them to all my friends and clients.

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Company Response

Hi Eva, thank you for taking the time to post a review, it's always a pleasure to work with you. Until next time. Luigi