

Assisted Review

An assisted review is collected by a contractor on behalf of the homeowner after their work is completed. The homeowner must confirm the text of the review and may make any changes she or he deems appropriate. The homeowner then assigns the contractor a review score out of 10. Assisted reviews receive the same scrutiny as other reviews and must follow our review guidelines.

Dear Ross , I just wanted to say once again how satisfied we are with both your company’s products and the professional level of service you provided recently at our home. Your prompt and accurate assessment of our mold removal requirements enabled us to save thousands of dollars during the removal and recovery process. The work was done fast and efficiently and I would not hesitate to recommend you to anyone who requires cost effective and superior mold removal. Job well done !!! Thank you, James R. - Unionville

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Company Response

Thanks for the great testimonial Jim, it was a pleasure meeting you and your wife. I'm just as pleased with the results in your attic after using the new cleaning process. thanks for the opportunity! Ross