

I to am/was an Axiom Client who as well just recently paid nearly $70,000.00 in ivoices prior to us getting our keys. Axiom's contract states ALL invoices to be paid until they hand the keys over. We were stupid and listened and paid. Now we have leins on our property not knowing what to do. We fulfilled our contract and are stuck with trades looking for their money which Axiom has in their possesion. No one knows where they are and they will not accept or return calls. Do we pay twice? Are we liable somehow? I feel extremely bad for the trades but Axiom also has our so called refundable float of $15,000.00 in which we ALL can kiss goodbye, so as a Client, we are out as well. Who knows if they were adding material and overcharging on their invoices. Is this an expensive lesson learned? Their address in Calgary leads right to a sporting promotional outfit, check it out, its called Drive Sportswear and Promotions.....the addresses are identical from the Axiom website. I sure hope this is a big misunderstanding and they needed some time to regroup and get their s#%t together. I guess we have to hope for the best and not think of the worst.

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