

I liked the other reviews and purchased a voucher for their service! BAD mistake! 1. I called them up in the week of July 13 (I think the day was July 19) to set up an appointment for 6:00 - 7:00 pm on July 28 (normally they have a 2-hr slot; they accepted my request for a 1-hr slot). I had mentioned that I had a few more windows, and also a patio door that I was hoping to get cleaned. She said I could pay the contractor for any extra windows (not included in the voucher), and that the cost would be lower than me buying a second voucher. 2. I called up on the morning of July 28 to make sure they will be here. I was told that their calendar does not show the appointment somehow, even though she said she recalled the conversation we had. She set up another appointment for (I believe) Tue, July 29 (6:00 to 7:00 pm) 3. Their contractor came around 6:35 pm that day. Their way of counting windows is not what I was expecting. He spoke with his manager and confirmed the count to be 19. I spoke with his manager on the phone, and his manager confirmed that I would need to pay $40 for the extra 9 windows and taxes. However, he mentioned I would need to remove the screens from the 5 upper level windows, to which I agreed. He then asked me let him allow use of my garden hose and water, which I laid out for him. Then he said his squeegee was broken, and he needed to buy a new one from Home Depot. I had to digest tons of swearing (directed at his colleagues!). He committed to returning. Meanwhile, I removed my 5 window screens in preparation. However, he never showed up! Nor, did I receive any call from him or his manager! I left 2 voice messages with them that evening, describing my dissatisfaction at their lack of professionalism, and requesting intervention. 4. Nobody called up next morning; late morning, I could contact Sarah, who said she had informed the manager about my voice messages, and that the manager would call me back in 48 hours (so by Friday late morning). Nobody called me on Friday; I tried in vain calling up the number; could only reach the autoresponder. Nobody bothered calling me even on Tuesday. So, this morning, I called them up. She said her manager mentioned that I should ask the voucher provider for refund - they were unable to clean it because 5 of my windows had screens that needed to be removed! I am shocked as these were already discussed and agreed upon with the manager on Tuesday with their contractor physically here. In summary, I don't believe this is a company who takes their business seriously. They do not care about honouring any kind of commitments; do not know even to apologize for the inconveniences they cause through breaking commitments. A friend of mine has also bought the voucher through my referral. I am going to request her to cancel this as well! The voucher provider gave me a credit; however they were told by Reliance that they cleaned some of the windows!! The reality is - their contractor came to my property and then discovered his squeegee was broken. So, he left without touching a single window, and then never showed up! You have now been WARNED!

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