

I purchased a Dealfind deal in November and paid a deposit in December 2013. I had attempted on 4 occasions to book a specific date in January 2014. I advised them that if the date I specified was unavailable, to provide me with alternative dates to which I would request time off from work to be available. They did not respond about the date that I had requested, or provide me with future dates. Instead Kurt (Owner/Service Director) called and left me a voicemail on a Friday, to schedule the following Mon or Tue for painting. I declined it as it was short notice and asked about the date I had initially requested or dates later in the month or the following month. He did not respond to my query. I sent another e-mail as I hadn’t heard back and I received no response from him. Kurt eventually responded but feigned ignorance and asked me if I wanted to schedule a date in the coming weeks. It became apparent that it was not possible to schedule a painting date in advance with Unparalleled Paint. As a result, I requested a refund of my deposit on two occasions. I complained to Dealfind and after my complaint to Dealfind, Kurt (Owner/Service Director) contacted me to suggest dates that again was limited in notice. The suggested dates were impossible for me to meet as I had to arrange time off from work with advanced notice. I stated this requirement in previous e-mails when I was initially trying to secure a date for painting services. Kurt then followed up with Dealfind in response to my complaint and provided them with a fabricated response. The details of his e-mail to Dealfind do not remotely come close to the truth. To date, I have not received my refund. As a result, I filed a claim with the Better Business Bureau. Please note that they are not an accredited member of the Better Business Bureau and currently have 6 closed complaints on file. I would never purchase another group discount with this company. They lack effective customer service, are unprofessional and untrustworthy. UPDATED HOMEOWNER RESPONSE TO COMPANY COMMENTS SEE BELOW I unlike Unparalleled Paint am not trying to “paint” any story but advise other homeowners to beware based upon my experience in dealing with Kurt Welch of Unparalleled Paint. The snow storm to which you are referring occurred on January 6, 2014. This was not a confirmed date for painting but rather the date you had called me about and left me a voicemail about on Fri, Jan 3rd at 12:12pm. I have retained the voicemail and I responded via e-mail as noted below: -------- Original message -------- From: jcjeannine <> Date: 01-03-2014 2:18 PM (GMT-05:00) To: Subject: Confusion regarding booking date Hi Kurt, I received your voicemail today regarding scheduling my painting job for Mon, Jan 6 or Tue, Jan 7. As stated in my e-mail dated Dec, 30 this is not possible. I will be unavailable as I will be at work. Going back to my e-mail sent on Dec 27, I requested the date of Jan 20, since I already have that day off from work. You stated that you would check the calendar and get back to me. I have not heard back regarding that specific date. If that date is not available, please provide alternative dates that are near the end of January or until mid Feb. Once I receive these dates from you I can see if I can get a day off work so that the painting can be done. Thank you. Jeannine After that e-mail I did not hear back from you and had to leave a comment on the company website dated January 10, 2014. I saved my message and the comments are noted below: Comment posted on Unparalleled Paint dated January 10, 2014 at 1:18 p.m. I’m following up on my e-mail dated January 3, 2013 regarding the availability of January 20, 2014 for painting of two areas of my house. I have already received a quote and would like to proceed, but I have yet to hear back concerning this date. If this is not possible, please refund my $80 deposit that was paid on December 8, 2013. P.S. Please provide a reply via e-mail and not a phone call. Thank you, Jeannine (I made an error on the date referring to 2013 which should have been January 3, 2014). As for your assertion that I cancelled last minute because I was out of town is completely false. I was 7 months pregnant at the time. I was never out of town, nor would I have been as my pregnancy was considered high risk. Also, please provide the date that you claim I was out of town. Whatever date you can make up, I can provide proof that I was at work in which my work attendance records can confirm. Your examples of e-mails that you sent me on January 20, 2014 and January 22, 2014 to arrange a painting date were sent only after I filed my complaint against your company on January 14, 2014 with Dealfind. I made this claim with Dealfind on their website and was issued case number 00573496. I did not respond to your two e-mails because at that point, I did not wish to retain the painting services of your company based on the unprofessionalism displayed. I wanted a refund from Dealfind and my deposit back from Unparalleled Paint. All e-mails were sent to Dealfind as proof and they issued me a refund for the vouchers that I had purchased in relation to the Unparalleled Paint promotion. While I do understand that it is a deal promotion. Professionalism would dictate that you advise potential customers of your stipulations as to booking a date. These should be noted on the Dealfind buy details and on the contract. Customer service would dictate that you respond to your potential customers and not have them e-mail several times in an attempt to secure a date. Effective customer service would be to admit your faults and not go on the offensive by trying to blame the customer when you are the one who is wrong. As for the untrustworthiness that you have displayed in an attempt to appear that you run a professional business. Please be mindful of telling fabricated stories on your customers who complain about your services. All of your deceitful responses can be exposed as falsehoods.

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Company Response

Hi Jeannine,
I am happy you are in agreement that we provided you with at least 2 dates for painting, unfortunately those dates did not work for your schedule, but not due to lack of attempts by Unparalleled Paint. Contrary to the story you are trying to paint, there were numerous attempts made to complete your job, one of which Unparalleled Paint cancelled due to a severe snow storm and the other was cancelled by yourself last minute as you were uncertain if you were going to return from out of town in time. Although most of our customers are understanding that when purchasing a deal promotion, volume may dictate availability of dates that they want. We have done everything possible to suggest early dates to accommodate your scheduling.
On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 12:57 AM, UnparalleledPaint . wrote:

We reached out 2 days ago but have not heard a response as yet. Monday of next week is available. Please advise if this can work with your schedule.


On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 5:20 PM, UnparalleledPaint . wrote:
Please advise what days this week you are available for painting and we will try our best to accommodate.

Thanks,- Unparalleled Paint