recently completed an inspection of the drain tile around my home. As expected I was informed that a cleaning was needed and with their equipment they were able to show me exactly where and what the problems were.
What was unexpected though was that they discovered tree roots clogging the line going to the city system. This was alarming as this exact problem created a back up that flooded our basement three years ago which was cleared out at the time but evidently not fixed. They immediately e-mailed me video footage of the problem and instructed me to call the city of Burnaby as the location was close to the city line and they thought the city would be responsible for repairing it.
While were very informative, thorough and professional what really impressed me was their follow up. After a couple weeks when it became apparent to them that I hadn’t called the city they made the phone call themselves and the city crew was at my home within 45 minutes. Armed with the information they gave them they were able to dig up at the exact location of the problem.
To top it all off, the city initially informed us that the problem was on my property and not theirs so I was responsible for repairs but with professional persistence and detailed information provided to the city, the city fixed the problem after all.
Three years ago another company discovered the problem and fixed a symptom of the problem. discovered the problem and resolved the cause of the problem so it wouldn’t happen in the future and went out of their way to ensure that I encured no extra costs. I have no hesitation referring and endorsing