We wanted two small bathroom drains fixed and a separate large bathroom fixed. We wanted to get new faucets for the large bathroom so they would all match and be easier to repair in future. We wanted all the fixtures in the large bathroom to match each other. We feel like Nasser Plumbing pushed us into making decisions quickly, even though we had waited a long time and the repairs were not urgent.
They told us the faucets in the large bathroom couldn't match. We would have to get very different ones for the two sinks and the bathtub. For the other two bathrooms, they said that to fix the drains, we had to get new faucets. We agreed and paid for all the materials, though we felt rushed.
They came twice to talk to us and evaluate, and then next day came back to do the job. When they arrived, they had a separate pop-up plug to fix each of the drains in the small bathrooms. They also had new faucets, even though those faucets didn't need to be replaced. They could only replace one of them because they couldn't turn off the water to the other one. So they should have realized they never needed to replace the faucets. They sold us two $350 faucets that we didn't need.
We expected them to fix just the two small bathrooms that day, because they had said it would take a while to get the faucets for the large bathroom with the tub, but to our surprise, they showed up with the two sink taps for the large bathroom as well. It was a much bigger job than we expected. We felt like they hadn't listened to what we really needed.
The new faucets for both sinks in the large bathroom look nice and work fine. As far as we can tell, all the plumbing work is very well done. The tub has not been done yet because we have mobility issues that have to be solved by someone else first.
Realizing they sold us faucets we didn't need, we started looking up prices. We realize now we should have done this sooner, but they never gave us part numbers or anything in writing. The same Moen faucets that they sold us for $350 for the small bathrooms are available at another retailer for $110. They charged us $750 each for the Kohler faucets for the large bathroom, and we found them at the same retailer for $250. We would not have checked prices except that we felt taken advantage of by what happened with the two small sinks.