

The installation crew not only did a thorough clean up at the end, they cleaned up every day so I could put my car back in the garage and not worry about nails. They were very considerate about the lack of parking and did not infringe on the neighbours. They are fast, professional and courteous. Stephanie, in the office, has a customer relations manner I rarely see anymore. It was a pleasure to work with you. I would not hesitate to recommend them.

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Company Response

Hi Murn,

Cleanup is ONE of the most important aspects of the job and our crews are very diligent with making sure we leave the property as it was when we leave - even when that means each night if the job is more then one day such as yourself. Thank you so much for the compliment on Stephanie - customer relations is key to to a strong business for sure & we feel we have that down. We trust your enjoying the look of your new rubber roof and looking forward to your first winter under its protection!