A & Wes Tile

General Contractors
Surrey BC V3R 0J1
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1 review Vancouver, BC

Shower renovation

Wes did an amazing job with our shower. He was personable and a hard worker and just all around great to work with. We could tell he takes great pride in his work, and he was meticulous with the detail he put into our shower. He took the time to explain everything and answer all of my questions, which I really, really appreciated. He was always willing to explain what/why/when/how of every step of the job in great detail, which I feel is rare to find, but is so important when renovating. He made us feel comfortable every step of the way, and we will definitely be calling Wes again if we do more renovations in the future!

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Company Response

Thanks Jasmine.
Shower looks great with your choice of materials.
You saw yourself what it takes to perform quality
installation. So many technical issues to be solved
It required skills, patience, precision.
With some of my invention of shower system installation
shower not only looked great but will never leak
or crack as long as your house is standing.

Thanks for creating pleasant working atmosphere.