Done Right Roofing Ltd

Skylight Installation & Repair
AB T2Z 0N3
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sally holman from Calgary
sally holman from Calgary
1 review Calgary, AB


done right roofing was an amazing company to work with. they were very professional, and a job very well done. The roofing crew were courteous and clean, not a scrap left behind . AND FAST my goodness they were here at 8 and totally cleaned up by 3pm that day. There were no surprises! I would and have highly recommended to others.

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Company Response

Thank you so much for your kind words Sally!

Although we're in the business of roofing itself - we feel more so that we're in the business of customer service and keeping our clients happy with everything from the first call to the office - to the cleanup at the job completion! We thank you for your business and glad that you feel your hard earned money was respected and valued during your installation. Enjoy the shelter of your new roof!