Done Right Roofing Ltd

Skylight Installation & Repair
AB T2Z 0N3
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HomeStars  >  Roofing in Calgary  >  Done Right Roofing Ltd  >  new shingles
Karin  from Strathmore
Karin from Strathmore
1 review Strathmore, AB

new shingles

Amazing !!! Is the only thing we can say. From the estimate explaining my options, to the clean-up. We were happy every step of the way. The work was scheduled while we were away and when we returned home it was hard to tell that they had even been here. I would recommend them to any one. Thank you Done Right Roofing

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Company Response

Hi Karin,

Thanks so much for your kind words. You were a pleasure to work with during your installation and we're so thankful to have not only earned your business, but also make sure everything went to well for you! Hope you enjoy the new roof for years to come.